
Above all, excessive care can also kill your little plant. This happens precisely because of a lack of knowledge.

However, you can learn to take better care of your garden and also learn about the curiosities of nature.


You only need to have a mobile phone with a camera and download an application that identifies the plants.

For this purpose, these applications have a database with photos of plants and information about fauna and flora.


So, you just have to know the best applications to choose from among the many that exist. This way, they will help you take care of your plants.

How the application works

First, download an app and use the mobile camera to take photos and identify them.

Using the application's database, search for the plant and send all the information.

Later, if you find something that is not in the application, you can send it to help catalog and enrich the database.

And help the most people who know the fauna and flora. You have more tips for caring for plants.

Therefore, we choose a selection of the main and best applications so that you know and choose what works best for you.

This is a list of the main applications

Seek by iNaturalist Android/iOS

Firstly, Seek is an application available for smart phone systems.

So, it helps you identify plants and even small animals. After the identification, the application informs you about the species.

It also provides the main characteristics of the identified plant or animal and some curiosities.

Furthermore, it is easy to use, as it is not necessary to register or retrieve any personal data.

Lastly, it is completely free and there is no charge for the information.

FindPlant – Plant identification Android/iOS

Firstly, identify nature: plants, insects, arrows and crystals with just a touch of your finger.

In this way, the Plant Identifier application is your guide to the complicated but fascinating fauna and flora of our planet.

While you can identify the plant or what you want to check, you can save and add to favorites.

Plus, a Plus, which tells you how to take care of illnesses and diseases.

Plantifier Android/iOS

Above all, it allows a simple and effective way to identify garden plants from a photograph.

This way, an image of the plant is searched for and loaded into the application.

Ready, identify and process all the information about the plant.

In this sense, the database that stores more than 1000 species helps with identification.

iNaturalist Android/iOS

From now on, I know that this is the most popular natural application in the world.

Just like the previous ones, recognize, identify and inform about plants and animals.

Therefore, it is the most popular plant application on the planet, which relies on a community of more than 400,000 scientists and naturalists.

In this sense, scientists and naturalists will help you to understand nature better.

Meanwhile, the application allows you to discover new species and stores information about personal discoveries.

In summary, however with the benefit, of receiving advice from the community.

PlantNet Android/iOS

PlantNet is more than a simple application; It is a window into the vast world of plants, an essential tool for any nature lover, botanical student or curious urban explorer.

With the ability to identify approximately 20,000 plant species, PlantNet is a reliable guide and educational companion for your outdoor adventures.

PlantNet's image identification technology is cutting-edge and allows you to recognize plants at different stages of growth, including fruits, flowers and leaves. The precision is remarkable and the ease of use is incomparable: take a photo and let the application do the work.

PlantNet has an extensive database that alone includes a variety of species, which is also updated periodically with new information and discoveries. This means that you will always have access to the latest and most accurate information.

¡¡¡Important advice!!!

Mainly, now that you know these apps to identify plants and animals you can control your camera and go in search of new species.

In other words, you will learn how to care for your plants and those that don't even have a garden or want to have one.

At the same time, the applications allow us to know the fauna and flora of the entire planet. Furthermore, they provide advice.

Only with the camera of your mobile phone can you find out about any nature that interests you.