Showing: 3 RESULTS
Zenfone 9 vs Edge 30 Pro

Zenfone 9 vs Edge 30 Pro

Zenfone 9 vs Edge 30 Pro are compact mobile phones from different brands. Both offer an elegant design that adapts comfortably to your hand, but there are some important differences between them. The Zenfone 9 is an ASUS phone with a 5.9-inch screen, Snapdragon 888 processor and 8 GB of RAM. It also counts…

The 5 best apps to watch football on your cell phone

The 5 best apps to watch football on your cell phone, Watching football on your mobile phone might be easier than you think. The applications for following football are increasingly complete, as over the course of a few days they allow you to see the matches in real time. Y, this has been happening since…

Telecine Play assistir de forma de forma gratuita

Telecine Play watch for free

Telecine, like us, understands that the great future belongs to the Streaming universe, which is why it created Telecine Play, which is increasingly famous. And, not to be left behind, several companies in addition to Telecine, created their own streaming platforms to continue supporting themselves in the entertainment market. After all, it is necessary…