Showing: 2 RESULTS
Consulta tu Kundli antes de hacer negocios y sé auspicioso

Consult your Kundli before doing business and it is auspicious

Mainly, we know that we cannot make decisions without consulting the kundli, consult your Kundli before doing business and it is auspicious. Therefore, it is always easy to consult the position of the planets and stars to make a quick decision. However, it is expensive to pay for an elaboration of your kundli, and we know that…

Consulta tu Kundli (Horóscopo) en dos minutos y sé auspicioso

Consult your Kundli (Horoscope) in two auspicious minutes

Firstly, according to Hindu religious beliefs, it is said that from the horoscope one can obtain information about the entire life of any person. Therefore, the horoscope contains all the information from the birth of that person until his death. So, in our Hindu religion, when a baby is about to be born, …