Showing: 3 RESULTS
Utilice su teléfono móvil para identificar aves

Use your mobile phone to identify birds

Mainly, nature lovers, who enjoy watching birds and listening to their songs, are less stressed people. Therefore, the fresh air of nature, mixed with the song of birds, with beautiful images provide relaxation, and is good for the health of the heart. In this sense, if you are a…

Identificar serpientes con el móvil

Identify snakes with the mobile

Above all, despite being fascinating animals, snakes can be lethal. Therefore, if you find a snake in your house, it is best to always call the firemen. O to the responsible organisms of your city, but always keep your distance and try not to lose sight of the animal. AND …

Identificar arañas con el móvil

Identify spiders with the mobile

Firstly, we know that spiders are creatures that live in dark places, but it is in autumn when the number of spiders increases suddenly. In this sense, it is very important to maintain a certain distance from poisonous species, but remember that these creatures feed on insects. In other words, they perform a control service…