Showing: 5 RESULTS
Conozca a sus antepasados y a las personas similares a usted que existen en el mundo

Know your ancestors and people similar to us who exist in the world

Are you curious about your family history or why you look like certain people? With a new innovative application you can connect your ancestors and people similar to those who exist in the world. The application to discover your ancestors allows you to discover your ancestry with just a few clicks. Use it…

El mundo de la fotografía se ha revolucionado con la aparición de la inteligencia artificial (IA) y hoy vamos a presentarte una aplicación que utiliza la IA para mejorar la foto.

Application that uses AI to improve the photo

The world of photography has been revolutionized with the appearance of artificial intelligence (AI) and today we are going to present an application that uses AI to improve photos. Thanks to its numerous functions, AI has allowed photographers to take their skills to the next level. One of these applications is one…

IA y Google Bard

AI and Google Bard

IA and Google Bard. The world of artificial intelligence (AI) is changing quickly and Google couldn't stay behind. Now, Google has created Google Bard and is innovating the entire world of artificial intelligence and leaving its competitor ChatGT behind. This new AI-driven language processing tool aims to facilitate…

Aprende a convertir tus fotos en avatares

Learn how to convert your photos into avatars

In the best style of the metaverse, the new trend of social networks is to transform photos with artificial intelligence into a superrealistic drawing. The novelty became popular last weekend and has been adopted by several celebrities. The Lensa app went viral during the week on social networks…

Aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial: uso en la vida cotidiana

Applications of artificial intelligence: use in everyday life

Mainly, technology benefits us with the ease of its use from day to day, applications of artificial intelligence: use in everyday life. So imagine, with a voice command, being able to open doors, make coffee, call and send messages via mobile phone. And all the same time, so…