Showing: 2 RESULTS
Conoce La Santa Muerte Mexicana y sus curiosidades

Discover La Santa Muerte Mexicana and its curiosities

Mainly, Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte, abbreviated as Santa Muerte. That's right, Mexican culture has maintained a certain reverence since pre-Colombian times. Thus, it manifests itself in syncretic celebrations such as Día de los Muertos. Meanwhile, among the elements of the celebration is the use of skeletons to remember the …

Curiosidades que debes conocer

Curiosities that you should know

Mostly, there are innumerable facts about animals, historical facts, random facts that are completely useless. However, it is still fun and even interesting trivia when you stop reading. In this sense, these are the type of trivialities that you would never need to investigate, but as they are here in this post it doesn't mean anything...