
Firstly, is your phone slower? There are several reasons that can explain this situation.

Okay, one of them has to do with the applications installed on your device.


Therefore, you may experience malfunctions or the consumption of many resources during the day, such as the RAM memory and the battery.

On the other hand, the performance of background applications is a common cause of mobile phone slowness.


 In short, the applications consume mobile phone resources even when not in use.

Main causes of slowness

Furthermore, there are options that rarely open during the day, but processes continue to move forward.

However, the smartphone consumes RAM memory and slows down.

There are also frequently used tools, such as location applications or social networks.

Therefore, you can delete these applications, but they are necessary for your use. The operating systems provide functions.

So to limit background operation and access to device resources.

We list the applications that can slow down your phone with time.

cleaning applications

Initially, the proposed cleaning applications for the system are very interesting.

At the same time, these tools will scan your device and identify heavy files.

Also, little-used applications and other ways to improve the performance of your phone.

Therefore, the operation of these applications can slow down your device.

Therefore, applications run frequently in the background, consuming RAM and battery resources.

It is concluded that you have to be very careful when choosing apps, which is why it is important to choose from Android and iOS stores.

Social networks

Above all, your favorite social network can also be one of the reasons for your mobile slowness.

Therefore, the Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter applications are tools that require a lot of resources from your phone.

It is always looking for updates for its power supply, even when it is not in use.

Therefore, performance can be affected and cause slowdowns. This is the case for using localization.

For example, if you keep activating the function for your social networks, you will consume battery and RAM memory.

However, it is not necessary to delete your networks, you can change the access permissions for the location of each app.

In fact, install the Lite version of the applications, which take up less space, until you acquire a device with more memory.


Initially, even without downloading any application, your phone has some software that slows it down.

As well as “bloatware”, applications installed in the factory configuration of your device and which are rarely used.

However, it includes add-ons for the phone or applications for the camera, the gallery and document management.

However, they are used in the background and over time they end up causing slowdowns.

However, there is not much you can do, but on iOS you can uninstall and reinstall native applications.

Therefore, on Android you cannot delete without root, which causes the factory warranty of your device to be lost.

GPS navigation applications

Mainly, these are consuming a lot of the device's resources, slowing it down.

However, these applications request access to your location, with the option to use it at any time

Also, this option is suggested so that the application updates in real time and informs you of its position with precision.

However, consume your battery frequently and run applications in the background.

However, for people who use it as a work tool, it is ideal to clean it every time.

And if you don't use it all the time, the option is to establish the access permission to the location only while you have the application open.

Important tips

In addition to these applications causing slowdowns on your mobile device, downloading games can overload the system.

Therefore, before downloading a game, check whether your device is compatible with it.

And also, obsolete applications, therefore, it is worth checking the update of your applications with a certain frequency.

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