Showing: 4 RESULTS
Curiosidades que debes conocer para mejorar tu sueño

Curiosities that you need to know to improve your life

In the first place, only those who have insomnia know how valuable it is a good night sleep. Therefore, the lack of sweat or difficulty sleeping greatly interferes directly with the person's quality of life. In this sense, sleepless nights reduce the ability to concentrate during the day…

Consejos importantes para la salud emocional y mental

Important tips for emotional and mental health

Firstly, taking care of your emotional health is as important as taking care of your physical health. However, we often neglect our feelings and set mental health aside to focus on other priorities. However, this attitude could lead to problems in the future. Therefore, it is very important to take care of our health every day, from…

Receta de budín sin leche condensada

Bud recipe without condensed milk

Firstly, did you know that in Gran Bretaña pudding is a generic name for the postre? In this sense, the pudin is undoubtedly one of the most traditional meals that we take as family meals. In addition to being economical, it has a very simple recipe to make. It takes very few ingredients and its elaboration…

Curiosidades para adelgazar científicamente probadas

Interesting facts about scientifically proven weight loss

Firstly, these are studies carried out and tested by the University of Virginia Tech (Virginia, USA). Currently, the World Health Organization has announced that there are more than a thousand million obese people in the world. Therefore, the need to lose weight makes many people look for information and news…