
Firstly, for those who have lost metal, such as pendants, coins or other metallic objects, now we have a solution.

So now, when you lose that pendant, cord, press or clip, you can count on extra help.


In this sense, now we have applications that detect metals. But, of course, for the professional sense there are metal detectors.

Anyway, the application here is an extra help to find small objects.


How metal detectors work

Mainly, for it to work, you first have to download the application.

Therefore, the application works as a kind of magnet, which, using a digital switch, detects magnetic fields.

Immediately after installation, the application searches for metal objects in the surrounding area.

Sometime, the program scans the detected object and, after a few seconds, it vibrates and shows the word “Detected” on the screen.

To help you understand the different applications that exist, we have selected the best ones for you here.

The best apps for metal detectors

Metal detector Android/iOS

Mainly, this application uses the device's magnetic sensor to measure the intensity of the magnetic field and convert your device into a metal detector.

Therefore, it allows measuring and detecting the surrounding magnetic field, electronic waves or metal (steel and metal).

However, if there is metal around, the reading value will increase.

It can also be used as a body scanner, emf meter, cable finder, tube finder or even as a ghost detector.

But be careful, all devices have a magnetic sensor, so if your device does not have a magnetic sensor, it will not work.

Therefore, this application cannot work for the detection of non-ferrous metals such as gold, silver and aluminum, because it does not have a magnetic field.

Lastly, most ghost hunters use metal detectors (EMF meters) to detect ghosts.

In this sense, they claim that ghosts influence magnetic fields.

EMF metal detector iOS

Firstly, now you can easily find metal objects hidden under the ground and even behind walls.

In other words, a hunter of treasures or ghosts. This way, the application detects the presence of metal nearby.

Furthermore, metal detectors measure the value of the magnetic field using a magnetic sensor integrated into the smartphone.

Therefore, a simple application on your device called Gauss Meter serves to measure the Earth's magnetic field.

However, you cannot detect silver, gold and copper coins in the magnetic field.

In any case, this magnetometer application requires a magnetic sensor, otherwise it will not work.

Pro Metal Detector Android/iOS

First, look for the Metal application on your mobile and mobile equipment.

Then, you will see that the magnetic field level shown on the phone screen fluctuates constantly.

Therefore, the color lines represent the three dimensions and the numbers at the top show the value of the magnetic field level.

Now, the graph will increase and the device will vibrate and emit sounds that indicate the presence of metal.

However, it is a useful tool for magnetic sensors integrated into your mobile device.

Y, if the metal is close, the value of the magnetic field will increase in color lines.

¡¡¡Important advice!!!

  • The applications are very useful for finding coins, pendants and money objects.
  • The application will only work with magnetic metals, such as steel and iron.
  • So with metals like gold and silver it doesn't work because these metals are not ferrous and have no magnetic field.

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