
Download the app at the end of this post!

Videogames have been a fundamental part of entertainment for decades, but in the new digital era, videogames on TV without consoles have won the hearts of gamers.

There are several consoles that are famous and have many games.


Xbox from Microsoft, Playstation in Sony, Nintendo Known for its greatest successes such as Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, among others.

Traditionally, this experience depended on the presence of a dedicated game console, which served as a center for processing and controlling games.


However, in recent years a revolutionary trend has been developing that is changing the way we experience video games: video games on TV without console.

This new approach eliminates the need for specific console hardware and offers a more economical and convenient way to play video games directly on your television.

By harnessing the power of cloud computing and high-speed Internet connectivity, players can now access a growing library of games by transmitting them directly to the screen of their television.

This transformation is democratizing access to video games and expanding the player base, allowing people of all ages and experience levels to enjoy exciting games without traditional barriers.

Impacts that are showing video games on TV without Console

Video games on television without the need for a console are playing a fundamental role in the transformation of the gaming industry and in shaping the future of video games in several important ways.

These are some of the key impacts that this trend is having in the way we play, share and connect through games:

Accessibility: One of the biggest advantages of video games on television without console is accessibility.

Players don't need to invest in expensive hardware like next-generation consoles to enjoy high-quality games.

This means that video games are more accessible to a wider audience, including those who cannot or do not want to spend a lot of money on hardware.

Variety of platforms: with cloud computing, players can access games on multiple platforms, from smart televisions and PCs to mobile devices.

This means you can start playing on one device and continue where you left off on another without losing your progress. This provides a more flexible and comfortable gaming experience.

Expanding game libraries: game streaming services like Xbox Game Pass y Google Stadia offers a wide selection of games to subscribers.

This allows players to try a wider variety of titles without having to purchase them individually.

Furthermore, these game libraries are constantly expanding and adding new titles regularly.

Multiplatform experiences: cloud games can always support multiplatform play, which means that players can compete and collaborate with friends who play on different devices.

This promotes a more inclusive gaming community where hardware barriers do not impede shared fun.

Space shortage: The absence of a physical console eliminates the need for storage space and cable clutter.

This makes the configuration of your gaming system much easier and cleaner, freeing up space in your room.

  • Integration of social networks:

Many cloud gaming services allow direct integration with social networks, which makes it easy to share screenshots, videos and achievements with friends and followers.

This expands the social experience around games.

  • Fewer barriers for developers:

The transmission of games on the cloud offers a more open environment for developers, which allows them to easily reach a global audience without the traditional restrictions on development for specific platforms.

Discover the Samsung App to play without a console:

Samsung Smart TV: if you want to use the application on a Samsung Smart TV, go to the TV application store, generally called “Samsung Smart Hub”.

Search for the “Samsung Gaming Hub” application and follow the instructions to download and install it.

  • How to use the Samsung Gaming Hub app:

After downloading and installing the application, follow these general steps to start using it:

Open the application: search for the “Samsung Gaming Hub” application icon on your device and tap or click on it to open it.

Create or log in to an account: according to the request requirements, it is possible to request that you create a new account or log in to an existing account.

Follow the instructions on the screen to complete this process.

Explore games: within the application, you should find a selection of games available to download to play.

Normally, these games can be free or paid according to the application's business model.

  • Download and play:

Select the game you want to play and follow the instructions to download it if it is not already installed on your device.

Once installed, start the game and start playing.

Community and social functions: some game applications, like this one, can have community functions and for sharing on social networks.

Explore these features to connect with other players, share achievements and interact within the player community. Wait for help to learn more about how to play video games on television without a console. If you liked this article, share it with your friends and see it next time!