
What is PNJ? NPC is the acronym for “Non-Player Character” in English, which means “Non-Player Character”.

In video games, role-playing games and many other interactive entertainment contexts, an NPC is a character controlled by the game system or developer, unlike a human player.


The NPCs perform several roles in games and virtual environments, such as:

Secondary characters: They can serve as characters that help in the progress of the story by giving missions to the players, providing information or interacting in some way with the player's character.

Enemy characters: NPCs can also be computer-controlled enemies that players must face and defeat to advance in the game.


Background characters: Many games use NPCs to open the world of the game, making it more immersive and realistic. These NPCs don't play an important role in the story, but they're there to give them life around them.

Traders and sellers: In many role-playing games, you can buy items, equipment and resources from NPCs who act as traders or sellers.

Allied characters: In some games, you can recruit NPCs to join you as allies or team members to help you solve challenges.

Mission bearers: NPCs can often give players missions or tasks, which can range from simple messages to epic tasks that form part of the game's main narrative.

Interlocutors: In role-playing games, players can interact with NPCs to speak, obtain information and make decisions that affect the story.

So that you understand what NPCs are, they are an essential part of many games, which enrich the world of the game, provide challenges and opportunities for interaction and help you advance in history.

They are controlled by the game system and have behaviors programmed to respond to the player's actions according to the guide and game rules.

Live NPC on TikTok, understand who is NPC and the leader behind the trend:

Another trend has arrived and is booming on TikTok and is generating thousands and thousands of dollars. The famous NPC Live.

But what is Live in NPC? It is no more than just application users making live videos playing characters in video game playables.

Platform users are taking the game seriously and are playing some secondary characters who only appear as extras in the game, without having any functions and who are not playable.

In NPC Live, Internet users who play with an NPC react to virtual gifts sent by their followers with limited words, movements and gestures, just as an NPC would.

TikTok converts the perks into effect after broadcasts.

But what has been called for attention the most is how many streamers have been fighting for their lives, which in some cases can last hours.

According to “The New York Times”, some users gained between R$ 30,000 and R$ 50,000 NPC lives.

The pioneer of Live in NPC was Tik Toker PinkyDoll, who reacts with very unusual lines to the ice creams and virtual piruletas that he receives from his followers.

Many Tik Tokers have joined this trend due to the highest economic return.

Felca is one of those responsible for making fashion viral in Brazil, including more than 13 million simultaneous reproductions in one of his lives and he declared that he will continue with the content.

In one of his NPC lives, Tik Toker says he earned more than $200 (approximately R$1,000) in just 10 minutes.