
If you are a coach lover, you will know that there are many incredible models on the market.

But, unfortunately, there are also some coaches that are considered true “monsters” in terms of design.


Therefore, below we present to you the 10 ugliest cars in the world so that you know and evaluate them if you agree with this list.

Discover the 10 ugliest cars in the world

Pontiac Aztek

The Pontiac Aztek was launched in 2001 and is considered by many as one of the most beautiful cars ever produced.


Its unusual and disproportionate design, with curved lines and straight angles, contributes to its unattractive appearance.

Furthermore, the back of the car looks like a camp store, which doesn't help its general aesthetics.

Even though it was designed with the intention of attracting a younger audience, Aztek ended up experiencing a commercial failure and was unable to manufacture in 2005.

Fiat Multipla

The Fiat Multipla is a coach model that was first manufactured in 1998.

Its unique appearance, with front lights separated from the main body of the car, and a relatively “inflated” appearance contributes to its slightly attractive presence on the road.

Despite being a spacious, comfortable and practical family coach, its somewhat conventional design failed to gain many admirers.

The Multipla stopped being manufactured in 2010, but is still remembered as one of the most beautiful cars ever produced.

Discover the 10 ugliest cars in the world

SsangYong Rodius

The SsangYong Rodius is a South Korean coach that was manufactured for the first time in 2004.

With its disproportionate and unusual appearance, it is easy to understand why many consider it one of the ugliest coaches ever manufactured.

The front design, in particular, is one of the most criticized points, with round front lights and a prominent front parrilla.

Although the Rodius is a spacious and comfortable coach, its unattractive appearance has proved to be an obstacle to its sale in many markets.

Nissan Cube

The Nissan Cube is a Japanese car that was first manufactured in 1998.

With its cubic shape and straight lines, this coach is easily recognizable on the road, but not necessarily because of its aesthetic qualities.

Its rather unconventional design is one of the most criticized points, with rectangular front lights and a general appearance that seems inspired by a square object.

Although it is a spacious and comfortable car, its unconventional appearance attracts many admirers, and the Cube is no longer ready to be manufactured in 2019.

Ford Edsel

The Ford Edsel was first manufactured in 1958 and is one of the ugliest cars ever produced.

Its unusual design, with an inverted V-shaped front grill, prominent front headlights and a general appearance that seems exaggerated, contributes to its unattractive aesthetic.

Furthermore, the lack of sales of the Edsel is partly attributed to its unconventional appearance and many consider this car to be a serious marketing error by Ford.

AMC Gremlin

The AMC Gremlin was first manufactured in 1970 and is one of the most beautiful cars ever produced.

With its compact and unattractive design, the Gremlin has an appearance that seems to have been hasty and poorly planned. His rear part is especially criticized, which is truncated and looks like a rear door.

Furthermore, its somewhat conventional name, derived from a mythical creature, could have been an obstacle to the sale of the car in many markets.

Reliant Robin

Reliant Robin – The Reliant Robin is a British coach that was first manufactured in 1973.

With its unique three-wheeled appearance and somewhat unconventional design, Robin is easily recognizable, but not necessarily because of aesthetic reasons.

Its slanted and poorly aerodynamic shape does not help its general aesthetics, and the lack of a fourth wheel could have been an obstacle to the sale of the car in many markets.


El Trabant is a German coach that was first manufactured in 1957.

With its somewhat conventional design and plastic body, the Trabant is easily recognizable, but not necessarily because of its aesthetic qualities.

Its design seems inspired by the Soviet era, with straight lines and elegance.

Although it was a popular coach in East Germany, it had poor reliability and outdated technology and was not very attractive to the world market.

Lada Riva

The Lada Riva is a Russian coach that was first manufactured in 1980.

With its rather unattractive design and its resemblance to an old Fiat model, the Riva could be considered one of the ugliest coaches ever manufactured.

Its general appearance seems outdated and poorly planned, with a broad and somewhat elegant front.

Although it was a popular coach in many markets, its lack of modern technology and its unattractive design contributed to its fall into disuse.

Austin Allegro

The Austin Allegro is a British coach that was first manufactured in 1973.

With its unattractive appearance and its resemblance to an old BMC model, the Allegro could be considered one of the ugliest cars ever produced.

Its rounded and disproportionate front, together with its square body, do not contribute to an elegant and modern aesthetic.

Furthermore, its poor reliability and outdated technology contributed to its fall into disuse and is remembered as one of the greatest failures of the British automobile industry.

Final considerations

You, do you agree with this list? Leave your opinion in the comments!

At Fine-Door we are passionate about cars, but we believe that not all models are beautiful.

But, regardless of this, everyone deserves respect and admiration for their characteristics and technologies.

You have just read about: Discover the 10 most ugly cars in the world!!