
A Carnival Carriage in Río de Janeiro is rescued by firefighters. In the early hours of the morning, a fire broke out in the upper part of one of the carts of the “Beija Flor” Samba school. 

The cart enters the track to start the route, when the flames from the highest part of the structure cause fright among the public present. 


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Despite the fact that the fire also caused panic among the members of the samba school, the bombers immediately managed to contain the calls, thus managing to prevent any person from leaving the house. 

Río de Janeiro Carnival Car is rescued by firefighters

Having to overcome this incident, this grand carnival celebration in Río de Janeiro continued with all the joy that characterizes it. 

The “Beija Flor” Samba School forms a group of sweet companies called “Grupo Especial”. 

This Group is a kind of first category, standing out among the 100 schools that will be present this 2023. 

Rio de Janeiro Carnival

The Río de Janeiro Carnival is a unique celebration that has been taking place for thousands of years and each year attracts millions of visitors from all over the world.

While there are many traditional elements in the event, such as parades and costume contests, it also incorporates other forms of entertainment, such as live music performances and street festivals. 

Río de Janeiro Carnival Car is rescued by firefighters

This event is celebrated with a feeling of joy and enthusiasm, which makes it one of the most memorable festivals in the world. 

Furthermore, Río de Janeiro's carnival offers you the opportunity to experience Brazil's culture first hand through its art, food and history.

The combination of cultural immersion and festive activities makes this festival different from any other out there. 


It is an annual celebration that on the ground offers an unforgettable experience, which also serves as a reminder of how important it is to appreciate diversity and cherish tradition.

Río de Janeiro Carnival Car is rescued by firefighters

The Río carnival brings joy and color to the streets of Río thanks to its great parades with colorful carrozas, costumes and dancers.

It is celebrated with a variety of performances such as samba, frevo, pagode and maracatu along with many other musical styles. 

People from all over the world come together to celebrate life, music and community spirit in a very special way. 

In addition to this vibrant environment that comes to life on the streets, there are also many cultural activities that take place during the days leading up to the main celebrations.

Including art exhibitions, workshops and concerts that give all visitors an idea of Brazil's culture. 

To find out which are the best carnivals in the world ha click here.