
The App that shows images of your past lives is used on your cell phones, with this interesting peculiarity it has gained followers as many users are curious about the possibilities of its use.

Firstly, the idea that the app provides images of past lives is very intriguing and awakens an absurd curiosity, but later you will understand what I am referring to.


In addition to being a mobile application that works in conjunction with each person's profile and personal preferences. After registering, users are asked to provide some data.

Next, it applies a special algorithm that reviews digital files of old photos and videos from previous years to generate images of past lives that the user can access from the application itself.


The implications of this technology are enormous, as it can reveal clues about someone's destiny or reveal hidden aspects of self-knowledge.

To show images of past lives, the application uses information such as the city where you were born, it closes and the month of your celebrations.

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This unique experience offers users the opportunity to explore what they could have been in a previous life, as well as learn about possible karmic loopholes that could have been carried over from previous incarnations.

Once these data are entered, the application will generate an image that will show the portrait of the user's past life with additional details about that life and its meaning.

Which allows users to compare their current and previous yo to one side of the other for greater illumination.

By allowing individuals to access their previous incarnations, La Maravilla serves as a powerful tool for spiritual exploration and growth.

Advantages of the Wonder application

Wonder App is the latest technology designed to help people remember and experience their past lives.

People can now virtually connect with their past, explore the memories of their childhood or simply draw on a timeline of their own vital experiences.

This revolutionary application offers a wide range of benefits to its users.

Not only can it bring joy by evoking old memories, but it also allows users to have an idea of what they have completed in life and appreciate the path traveled until now.

Furthermore, with these new knowledge, people can use the application as an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth.

Wonder App also offers users emotional stimulation through positive visualizations that bring peace and relaxation.

Main features of the application

It is the most curious and mysterious thing that attracts so many people who use it, and when you see the image it processes after collecting your data, it looks familiar.

So the photo of the place says it has been there, but in reality it has never been there, but it reminds you of Dejavu.

That is to say, you have never visited the place that the application says you have lived there, but when you see the image it is like you know it, and you remember it in the details.

Don't miss this intriguing and fun experience.

Wonderful Opinion of users

Wonder Review is an AI art generating application available on the App Store and Google Play. It's a unique tool for creating original digital works of art with just a few taps.

Using advanced artificial intelligence, you can generate visuals from any image you provide.

In addition to introducing data such as the city in which you were born, the month and end of your birth, it offers you images of other lives you have lived. These images intrigue their users because of the familiarity they inspire.

Since its launch, it has become increasingly popular, as users share their creations on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter.

You can also explore your creativity and create amazing visual arts like Nadie.

Tips to get the most out of your application

As people discover Wonder's possibilities for remembering images of past lives, the number of people seeking its application increases.

In addition to being able to use its functions to create amazing works of art.

Here are some tips to make the most of your experience with this powerful technology:

Please feel free to upload one of the photos you want to use as a base for your work of art. Once you upload the photo, use the different tools available in the application, such as filters and color palettes, to perfect your image and convert it into something that truly reflects your style.

Experiment with different options until you find one that seems perfect for your project. Then, let the amazement take over you.

Finally, you can use the functions to enter your city, close and month of birth in the field of the start screen and obtain curious images of the cities in which you have lived in past lives.

What can you imagine a fun afternoon with friends and family, imagine the mysterious conversations that can arise.

App that shows images of your past lives


Based on memories of his past life, The Wonder has created a collection of incredibly beautiful images that are testament to his creative vision.

His work speaks of the power of nostalgia and of its capacity to bridge the gap between time and memory, transmitting the joys, the sorrows and the complexity of the human experience.

And intriguing users who have true Dejavus when receiving images of places that the App has known, and even if they have never been there, feel as if they know every detail of the place.

The work of The Wonder invites the viewer to an emotional journey through time, which evokes sincere reflections on our own journeys through life.

When reflecting on these images, we cannot help but feel captivated by their beauty and inspired by their vision of our shared humanity. The conclusion is clear: with this moving collection, The Wonder has managed to create something truly remarkable