
New NASA fuel. We know NASA on the ground for having taken us to Luna, but also for all that it has provided us with important technological advances that have had a positive effect on everyday life. 

For example, solar energy systems, improved water filtration processes, more efficient aircraft design, advanced medical treatments and even spider-resistant lenses for eyes are derived from the technology developed by NASA.


Now, following the line of technological advances, NASA has developed a new fuel, based on one of the most abundant components on the planet, and which, practically, we can find everywhere. 

NASA has said that this element of the periodic table, hydrogen, is found in approximately 75% of matter throughout the planet. 


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Remembering a little in our high school Chemistry classes, hydrogen is essential for our life, because without this element there will be no water, it will retain H2O. 

Hydrogen in the automotive industry 

This element has been mentioned in automotive industry conferences for years now, as a source of energy alternative to oil, and which does not generate as much impact on the environment. 

Yes, this idea is not new, it has actually been planned and studied for decades but now, with all that we are experiencing from the environmental and economic crisis, it is important that other energy sources apart from Oil are taken into consideration. 

NASA has demonstrated over the years that the fuel is safe, and they have carried out several studies, in addition, this fuel is their favorite, as it is the one they use to boost their fuels, without generating CO2. 

Very different from fossil fuels, which produce CO2, which falls into the atmosphere, which contaminates, which is helping to melt our poles, and which is the main responsible for the famous Winter Effect. 

NASA has said and assured that Hydrogen is not toxic and that its impact on the environment is very, very low.

That's why it would help to delay the winter effect that we are currently experiencing. 

NASA commented that Hydrogen can be used now in electric cars, being fully utilized throughout the industry 

El Hydrogen 

But, how does it work? Well, when using Hydrogen to generate electricity, this will only produce water vapor as a result, which we can see in the form of drops. 

While fossil fuels have their expiration date, because it is a resource that is not infinite, Hydrogen, on the other hand, will remain inaccessible.


Although it seems simple, and easy to implement, currently the cost of extracting hydrogen is high. 

If you need a good technology system, production and construction of very specific systems, and as this is not something that is being requested so frequently, the costs are high. 

More automotive companies are expected to join this cause, investing in a new future, and costs will be reduced to be more affordable. 

Hydrogen vs. Electric Cars 

Electric cars are not a substitute for gasoline cars, but in a healthier way and without damaging the environment as much. 

However, the use of Hydrogen is even better and brings much more advantages than electric cars. 

One of the main features that NASA highlights is that its tanks fill up faster, in an average of 3 minutes for small cars and 5 minutes for large cars. 

There may be two types of hydrogen cars, those that use liquid hydrogen inside a battery that powers the 100% in an electric car. 

And on the other hand, there is hydrogen as fuel, which works in specific cars designed for this purpose. 

Making it clear that the first option is the cleanest and most environmentally friendly. 

However, the second option would be cars that generate CO2, of course, at a much lower rate, which is almost absurd if compared to the CO2 emissions of fossil fuel cars. 

New NASA fuel

History of NASA

Now, let's remember a little what NASA is. 

NASA means the Administración Nacional de Aeronáutica y del Espacio, an agency of the government of the EE. UU. responsible for the nation's civil space program and aeronautical and aerospace research. 

It was established in 1958 as an agency independent of executive power and currently has its headquarters in Washington DC

Since its beginnings, NASA has been at the forefront of exploration, from the landing of humans on the moon to the launching of robotic probes to distant planets and stars.

Today, NASA continues its legacy of ambitious missions with innovative research projects that improve our understanding of astronomy and physics while inspiring generations of students to achieve their successes in the fields of science or engineering. 

NASA's impact on society has been profound, both in terms of its ability to inspire and capture the public's imagination and its scientific contributions.

Through its research and exploration, NASA 

In addition to the tangible applications of NASA's work, the organization has also served as a source of inspiration, particularly for young people who are trying to explore space or pursue careers in science, engineering or technology.

Numerous educational programs have been created to encourage students to pursue STEM fields.