
New Apple display, with hand and eye control. Apple has always been characterized by being an innovation company. Its products generate anxiety and desire among the vast majority of users. Yes, Apple has taken charge of defining its brand as having high status. 

Therefore, if you have an Apple product, it represents that you have certain economic stability. 


Of course, this has its exceptions, but this is not the article to talk about this. 

Among Apple products we have: iMac, MacBook, iPhone, iPad, and all their accessories. You can, to revolutionize the market, present the new virtual reality display. 


The presentation was exclusive to certain journalists, but the information was passed on, and here we bring you some details of this incredible display. 

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Apple Reality Pro Display 

One of the most impressive things is that you don't have to move your head, move online, you only have to move your eyes. 

Inside the display you will have several cameras that will read and determine your eye tracking, which will allow you to select buttons, simply directing your gaze towards yourself, or simply selecting something from the list. 

It will also have external cameras, which will analyze the movement of your hands, which will obviously help you manage the interface just like your eyes. 

You will select buttons, options from the list, and specific details. And, another incredible point, is that it will detect the movement of your hands, for example, if you put the index finger together with the thumb, it will mean an action, which the camera will be able to capture and execute. 

Ahh, and that's all, without the need to have devices at hand, just like current virtual reality displays. 

An incredible advance in technology!

Apple is seeking to surpass Microsoft's technology when they launch its HoloLens, which are also virtual reality lenses without controls, but they present some details, so Apple is sure that they will improve everything. 

Another company that has a new virtual reality product, was Meta, with its Meta Quest ProHowever, with its characteristics, this device does not require controls at hand to be able to select options and navigate the interface. 

The Apple Reality Pro display will be a device that presents you with mixed reality.

But, what do you want to decide? enriched by digital elements. 

Apple and Sony

To achieve this, the cameras integrated into the display will record all of your surroundings, and play back in real time, on the display screen. 

To achieve this, Apple turned to its main partner, Sony, and, of course, everything was thought out strategically.

Sony has a lot of experience in the market, especially with screen and virtual reality technology, this is, due to the great success of PlayStation VR, which, just to give you a spoiler, in a few days, Sony is going to launch its second generation. 

The Japanese company, dedicated to this field, therefore has a lot of experience and expertise in this area, and an association with Apple, is one of the best ways to bring together technologies and really create a fantastic project. 

And as an extra note, if you are one of those who think that by using standard lenses, you will not be able to enjoy Apple Reality Pro, you are wrong!

Apple has committed to designing this display so that everyone, absolutely all future users can enjoy it. 

Mixed Reality 

One of the main questions is how the user will be able to go from augmented reality to virtual reality, and vice versa, good, the answer is simple. 

Apparently, Apple Reality Pro will have something that is called a digital corona, quite similar to the Apple Watch, which, simply by turning it, will allow you to transition between experiences. 

The Bloomberg journalist, who participated in the Apple conference, said that this is the function that everyone is waiting for and the one that really leads to giving value to the product.

Therefore, this detail is what is generating bad expectations for Apple Reality Pro.

New Apple display, with hand and eye control 

Virtual reality 

Even though Apple never showed interest in the Metaverse, just like the Metaverse, on Reality Pro displays, you will be able to participate in virtual reality with an avatar, which will show your face and your entire body. 

You can do what you want. 

And of course, in this virtual environment you will be able to meet up with your friends and family. However, as this is not the strength of Apple, these solo meetings will only be possible for 2 people at a time, it is hoped that in the next updates this detail will improve and allow meetings with more people. 

This is due to this detail of virtual meetings with other people, requiring a lot of processing. 

However, I am not willing to decide that you will not be able to interact with your friends, otherwise, you will be able to participate in chats and meetings, only that, for the moment, only 2 users will be able to do so with their avatars, while the others are going to appear as emojis, the one you choose. 

Let's hope they adjust quickly to allow more avatars together. 


Production will begin in February 2023, which will allow us to quickly begin filtering images and videos in the coming weeks, generating more anxiety and desire to obtain the product. 

Apple Reality Pro is expected to be launched next spring, but everything will go according to plan. 

Now, the first devices, will not be within reach of everyone, will have a very excessive price, and it is that Apple, wants to manage these devices as a premium product. Therefore, it is expected to perhaps be around 3.000$ US dollars. 

Initially, it is expected that the product will only be available in the United States, but we know how the market works, so it will soon be available all over the world. 

And finally, the good news is that Apple is aware that several of its users will not have to spend 3.000$ dollars to buy the device, and therefore, will also develop another version at a more affordable price, but only It will come in 2024.