
United States has suspended all national flights due to a technical error on January 11, 2023. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) I announced the root of reports on faulty computer systems at airports across the country. As a result, many passengers were affected by the suspension of flights that entered and left US air space.

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The FAA has issued a statement stating that it is working to identify and correct the problem as soon as possible. Furthermore, they are evaluating how long it will take for flights to be safely resumed and hope to communicate their conclusions within 24 hours.


This is one of the most important flight suspensions ever seen in American airspace and could have far-reaching consequences if it is not resolved promptly.

Explanation of technical failure


On 01/11/2023, the American government suspended all flights in the country due to a technical error of unknown origin. This decision was made without prior notice, leaving many travelers ruined and their plans ruined. The news caused chaos among airlines and their customers, as people struggled to find out how to get to their destinations without air services.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is trying to investigate the origin of this serious accident. According to those responsible for the FAA, they believe that it was due to a failure of the system that affected air traffic control operations throughout the country, which caused a widespread stoppage of all American flights.

Until now, I haven't been able to identify exactly who failed and who is responsible.

Even though the exact cause remains a mystery, the FAA is doing everything possible to restore order and get the US aviation back on track as soon as possible.

Response from airlines

The recent suspension of all flights in the United States has affected the airline sector. Many airlines have responded quickly to the crisis, publishing communications that inform passengers of their plans and the immediate measures they are taking.

American Airlines was one of the first to react, issuing a statement shortly after knowing the news that it had canceled all flights until further notice. The airline also informs customers of tickets for upcoming flights that may result in a full refund or credit for future trips. They offer guarantees that the staff will be available to answer any question and provide support if necessary.

Delta Airlines echoes this sentiment, making it clear that passenger safety is always its main concern. All operations have also been suspended until further notice, but customers with reservations on their flights are assured that no fee will be charged and they will be able to receive refunds or credits when proceeding.

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The announcement came after thousands of national and international travelers were taken at airports across the country. The people who were boarded in their flight at the time of the announcement must remain on their planes until further notice.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an emergency directive that ordered airlines to halt all their operations for an indefinite period of time. Since then, airports across the country have been filled with frustrated and confused passengers seeking information from airlines about possible refunds or alternative flight options. It is not clear when normal air service will be resumed, but it is expected to be several weeks before the flights become operational.

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Search for a solution

The incident, which occurred on 01/11/2023, is a cause for great concern for both passengers and airlines, as air transport is abruptly interrupted.

Although no specific cause of this failure has been identified, it is clear that the FAA is taking all necessary measures to find a solution and restore services as soon as possible. However, passengers with tickets reserved for flights within the United States territory or with exits will tend to seek alternative solutions, such as rail or road transportation. Airline companies are also urged to provide assistance as far as possible and ensure that their customers are taken care of during this difficult period.

US suspends all flights in the country due to a technical error

Final considerations

On January 11, 2023, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a statement prohibiting departing or landing in the United States on all national and international flights until further notice.

This decision was made with caution for the safety of passengers while authorities investigate the origin of this fall. The FAA is collaborating closely with its aviation sector partners to determine the cause of the outage and how to resolve it quickly and safely. It is also providing guidance to airlines on how to assist passengers with alternative travel plans who may be affected by this disruption.

For now, citizens must remain patient as authorities work to restore the safety of airline operations in the United States. Expect to receive updated information promptly on when air traffic can be restored to normal within the US borders.