
Today we are going to discover an application that turns your mobile into a metal detector.

Treasure seekers use sophisticated tools to detect all metallic objects hidden beneath the surface.


They use sensors on smart phones or tablets, which allows users to detect the presence of metallic objects without the need for specialized equipment.

Its most common applications include helping treasure seekers, archaeologists and geologists locate hidden artifacts and geological samples.


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Metal detection application

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Other general uses include helping home owners detect fountain problems by identifying metal pipes below the soil level.

Rescue to locate victims who may be lost or trapped beneath the rubble.

In addition to being useful for detecting electrical cables that could pose a safety hazard.

They function as a kind of magnet, a digital witch that attaches to the mobile and tracks the magnetic fields.

Application uses of metal detectors

Have you ever wanted to find hidden objects, such as coins, jewelry or other metallic objects?

If so, a new metal detection application could be the perfect solution for usted.

They function as a kind of magnet, based on a digital switch that is attached to the telephone and tracks magnetic fields.

This application can facilitate the search for treasures, helping to detect objects at a greater depth than traditional metal detectors.

Functionality of metal detection applications

Furthermore, these applications are very convenient, as they do not require any special equipment or additional costs.

All you need is your mobile phone with integrated magnetic sensor and its own downloaded application.

Once installed on your device, it will allow you to detect metals from several meters away without any problems.

On some models the search is for color lines on the screen, when you encounter the colors intensify and the phone emits a sound.

Technology is constantly evolving and now an application has been created that detects metals.

This innovative program runs on a smartphone and uses the camera to search for color lines on the screen.

If these lines are detected, the colors intensify and the phone emits a sound to alert the user.

Provides an effective solution for locating metal objects and saves time and money compared to traditional metal detectors.

Applications that detect metals

Furthermore, it eliminates any potential health risks associated with exposure to radiation from X-ray scanners.

Easy to use, users point the smartphone camera to their area of interest.

And wait for the colors to intensify or for a sound to alert you of its detection.

With this technology, identifying metals has never been so easy!

Metal Detector Pro

Metal Detector Pro is the definitive tool for detecting metals in any environment. Including aluminum, steel and including precious metals.

It also allows users to customize settings to adapt to their individual needs.

Whether you're looking for large metal pieces or smaller objects, like coins or jewelry, the Metal Detector Pro finds what you need easily.

The application also includes an interactive map that shows where users have detected metal in your area.

Smart metal detectors

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and the arrival of intelligent metal detectors is just one example of it.

With the latest advances in artificial intelligence and automatic learning, these devices are now capable of detecting metallic objects quickly and accurately.

The main feature of an intelligent metal detector is its ability to recognize different types of metals depending on their composition.

Thanks to advanced algorithms, you can distinguish between elements such as metal, aluminum, copper and brass with incredible precision.

It can also detect rarer metals, such as titanium or wolfram, at a much higher speed than traditional methods.

Metal and gold detector

Metal and gold detectors are an important tool for many industries.

The application uses radio waves to detect metals in any environment.

Next, create a map that shows where the different types of metal are located.

This allows users to quickly identify areas of interest and focus on excavating them.

Furthermore, the application also offers information about the type of metal detected: gold or artefacts.

Download the application here:

Metal Detector Android/iOS

Smart metal detector: Android

Metal and gold detector: Android