
Mainly, nature lovers, who enjoy watching birds and listening to their songs, are less stressed people.

Therefore, the fresh air of nature, mixed with the song of birds, with beautiful images provide relaxation, and is good for the health of the heart.


In this sense, if you are a bird watcher, you should also be curious to identify the species you admire.

Now, to help you identify birds, use identifying applications.


How bird identification applications work

Firstly, we must know that bird identifiers are an innovation in artificial intelligence.

This way, you download the application on your phone, take a photo that scans the bird and searches for information in the database.

However, if you use a photo from the gallery to make the identification, in a few seconds it provides you with the data of the species.

To help you understand the applications better, we have selected the main ones.

Main applications to identify birds

Cuadro Pájaro – Identify Bird Android/iOS

Firstly, the Picture Bird application allows you to easily identify the birds that surround you by taking a quick photo with your mobile phone.

Also, upload a photo of a bird or use one of the gallery and you will be able to identify the bird.

Additionally, learn the names of different birds and information about each species.

And everything is with precision, speed and use without limits, get answers from experts.

bird scanner Android

Above all, this application is only for bird lovers.

So you're looking for a bird with your camera and you have a nice photo and you want the application to identify it.

However, this is the first complete application to search for your favorite birds around the world.


  • Choose any family of birds and see all the beautiful birds in that category.
  • Furthermore, the function “Ave del dia” shows the beautiful bird selected for the day.

Bird identifier: Bird ID Android/iOS

Therefore, the application allows you to easily identify birds in seconds.

Furthermore, this application makes bird watching more enjoyable and allows you to identify birds of different species on the fly.

This way, pressing a button gives you all the information about the desired species.

And together with the bird identification application, you will be an expert on birds in a short time.

You will continue discovering bird species all over the world, you will also be able to select and save your birds.

iNaturalista Android/iOS

This application, which is one of the most popular in the world, helps you identify the plants and animals that surround you.

Furthermore, connect with a community of more than 400,000 scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature.

Furthermore, by recording and sharing your observations, you will create research data for scientists who work to better understand and protect nature.

Main features:

  • Discover new species around usted areas
  • Register your own observations and share them with the community
  • Obtain a collective contribution and an identification of what you have seen
  • Discuss and help others identify what they have seen
  • Follow projects formed by small communities and scientific citizens passionate about a particular place or species.

Advantages of having a bird identification application

  • It's good for health, because downloading the application will give you more contact with nature.
  • It helps you know and exercise your brain activities
  • You will be less stressed knowing and admiring the birds.

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