
Firstly, we know that spiders are creatures that live in dark places, but it is in autumn when the number of spiders increases suddenly.

In this sense, it is very important to maintain a certain distance from poisonous species, but remember that these creatures feed on insects.


In other words, they carry out a pest control service for insect feeding.

Therefore, knowing the species is fundamental and for that reason we now have applications to identify spiders.


How spider identification applications work

Firstly, the applications identify the spiders through the mobile phone camera.

At the end and at the end, by pointing the camera at the brain, scan the photo and with artificial intelligence search for the information in the database.

Furthermore, the applications come with information about spider species and some offer to ask your questions to experts.

While others offer their collection of species. So it's a way for people to know and lose fear.

To help you learn more about spiders, we have selected the main applications.

Main applications to identify spiders

Spider identifier Android

Mainly, with the objective of sharing information about these arthropods, this app was created.

So, where you can find different types of spiders to learn about their characteristics.

Now, by taking photos or photographs taken previously, you will be able to find out what species of spider it is.

At the same time, a classification will appear with the five most similar scientific names.

By pressing the corresponding button you can directly find all the information in the application.

Finally, it can also be done via video.

Insect Board – Insects ID Android/iOS

Firstly, if you want to identify a spider or insect, this is the ideal application.

You only have to point your phone camera at an insect or spider and let the application identify it.

Main features:

  • Database of more than 4,000 species of insects, which allows greater accuracy in identification.
  • Information about insects and the taxonomy of a spider
  • Intuitive interface with clues.
  • Create a personal collection with identified species.

Spider identifier – Publish in the community, InsectID Android

Overall, it is a community app with artificial intelligence, which correctly identifies any species of spider.

Main features:

  • Database with more than 1000 species of spiders.
  • Important information about insects and spiders.
  • Intuitive interface.
  • Informative blogs about different species of arañas.
  • Ask your questions to the experts.

Spider identification by photo identification iOS

For the moment, this application serves to identify the spider by scanning a photo.

Application functions:

  • Identification of spider species: by the mobile camera.
  • Spider Community: Database fed by contributors from all over the world.
  • Blogs: Information about the behavior, characteristics, species and feeding of spiders.

¡¡¡Important advice!!!

  • When bitten by a spider, doctors recommend taking the spider in a bottle to identify it, this is difficult, but taking a photo and identifying it in the application helps a lot in this case.

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