
Firstly, curiosidad is a word that comes from the Latin curiositas, which means “desire for knowledge” or “for information”.

Therefore, curiosity, a characteristic present in humans and animals, is capable of promoting learning and the development of skills.


However, this article is to inform about several facts that are unknown to the majority of people.

For example, as events, intriguing concepts, the origin of popular expressions and stories that exist behind some phenomena.


We have selected some curiosities, from unknown facts

Curiosities of interesting facts

  • Every minute, around 72 hours of content are uploaded to the YouTube video site.
  • Mount Everest grows by 4 millimeters every year.
  • During the duration of the Supermoon phenomenon, it is estimated that the lunar diameter could increase to 14%.
  • There is a lamp that has been burning uninterruptedly for more than 113 years in the city of Livermore, California, United States.
  • The human brain is made up of approximately 75% of water.
  • The hot dog is a German invention from the 15th century.
  • Some animals, like kangaroos, never grow up even after reaching adulthood.
  • It is estimated that the 4% of the world population is low.

Curiosities about the world

  • The Ethiopian calendar is seven years behind compared to other Western countries.
  • The biggest avenue in the world, with 14 different tracks, is located in South America, in Argentina.
  • The 10% of all world biodiversity is located on the Australian continent.
  • It is estimated that in the Low Countries the number of bicycles exceeds the number of vehicles three times.
  • The Vatican, with about 800 official inhabitants, is the smallest country in the world.

Scientific curiosities

  • Nuclear fusion is the process by which the sun converts around 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium every second.
  • The deepest place in the ocean reaches 11,000 meters.
  • The human skeleton is made up of 206 bones, but children are born with up to 270 bones, which merge with other larger ones.
  • La Tierra orbits around the Sun at a speed of approximately 107,000 km/h.
  • The human body has more than 96,000 km of blood vessels.
  • Luz del Sol takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds to get to the Tierra.
  • The day lasts approximately 23 hours and 56 minutes, in 24 hours. Therefore, every four years there is a day or two months of fever. These years are called great years.

Curiosities about animals

  • The pollo holds the flight time record of 13 seconds.
  • Mosquitoes are the deadliest insects in the world, which cause more human deaths than all the wars in history. It kills some 725,000 humans every year.
  • A flea jumps 350 times its height.
  • The jirafas don't have vocal strings.
  • The blue ballena's tongue can weigh up to 3.6 tons, which is equivalent to the weight of a medium elephant.
  • All mammals have the ability to jump, except elephants.

¡¡¡Important advice!!!

In any case, being curious is what gives us the ability to learn. Therefore, the thought that you stop to read a text is something that increases your knowledge.

In this sense, continuing to read, be curious and learn only brings benefits to increasing the cognitive capacity of the brain.

See also

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