
First of all, do you feel like your days are spent flying and you can't stick to your studio plan?

Is it difficult to organize everything you need to study?


Today, so many tasks and distractions are very common in our daily life.

However, today there are studio applications that can help you organize yourself better.


These applications offer methods such as timekeeping, the pomodoro method or the traditional study cycle.

In other words, for public exams, university work and school tests, there are methods that can help you

To help you organize, we've created a list of the 5 best studio apps.

Gran Course Questions

Above all, as EDTech, they always rely on technology as an essential tool in the study process.

There, in the app, you will find: tests, simulations, questions commented by teachers and students.

And you can even comment on the questions to make your learning easier. Additionally, other tools to facilitate your learning:

Classification among students: with this function, you can compare your performance with the possibilities;

Night mode: With this you will have a much better screen experience;

Control board: studio calendar;

Studio lock, to fix the information;

Study here

Mainly it is known for being a complete application, being one of the best.

By having a personalized study plan, statistics control your learning and your performance in the studio.

This way, you will receive daily motivation and revisions with specific content.

Furthermore, the application offers specialized content to improve performance, regardless of the objective of the study.

There may soon be oppositions, medical residency tests, university work, school or entrance exam tests.

Exam strategy

Mainly, an app with themes from the most disputed competitions in the country, with more than 2 million questions.

Just combine the filters to customize the studies and create question notebooks.

There is also an email contact for questions: ([email protected]).

Open public tenders

Likewise, the application has been developed to help those who present themselves to opposition. Supervises the publication of public tenders

And sends alert notifications for the opening of registrations, according to professional areas and places of interest to you (nationally and by state).

According to the application, there are thousands of vacancies authorized to be covered by current and new oppositions.

Public competitions – Simulations

Beforehand, Public Tenders – Simulations offers simulations for the biggest and most competitive public tenders in the country.

Son Banco de Brasil, IBGE, INSS, Petrobras, Civil Police, Federal Police, Federal Carreteras Police, among others.

Useful tips

If you conclude that to be successful in your goals, you must create a list of habits, such as:

Practice self-awareness;

Develop a good schedule

Create a studio environment;

Study previous editions;

Apuesta for writing and memorization;

See also

Applications to identify plants

Measure glucose by cell phone

Create your own memes