
At the same time, some people have coffee as a habit or help them face the tasks of the day.

For example, like sleeping on the keyboard at work, for others, coffee is a way of life.


So if you are a coffee lover, technology, once again, will benefit you.

Now, coffee lovers have special help to choose which type to try.


Therefore, it serves as a kind of diary, in which you write down everything about the flavor notes of each drink

In this sense, there are coffee apps, which help in this search for new coffee flavors.

How do coffee apps work?

At the same time, smart phones perform multiple functions, much more than telephony.

Therefore, with these devices, we can make routine easier from day to day, including deep-sea lovers.

To bring more practicality to deep L lovers, the applications help users.

In other words, it helps you find the closest cafe and share the love for the drink.

It also offers games on the topic, testing knowledge and giving advice.

And if you are one of those lovers of the Deep L, this article is for you.

We have selected the best coffee apps for your smartphone.

Cafe Martinez Android

Firstly, the official Café Martínez app allows you to be part of the club and have benefits.

Some of these advantages are: with each purchase made at the stores, credits are earned.

Besides, those who are going to celebrate a birthday with a friend, win a cup.

Likewise, to be used on a single purchase for 30 days from the date of completion.

For this, present your identity document to take advantage of this advantage.

However, every time you make a purchase at your favorite Café Martínez branch, remember that you must present your membership number.

This is why you need to check your DNI number to add credits and/or apply for them.

Coffeely Android/iOS

Ultimately, Coffeely is the perfect app to value coffees, save recipes and participate in events.

First, take a photo of the coffee container and Coffeely will identify it in seconds.

At this point, you will see ratings and comments about the coffee. There is also a need to know characteristics such as the country of origin, the producer.

While the variety, the flavor, the acidity. Además, share your experience.

This way, you will be able to help other users in their choice. It works, at this stage, as an assistant for preparing coffee.

In any case, you will have coffee recipes from all over the world at your disposal.

The Great Coffee App iOS

Mainly, what you need to know is that this application is very award-winning.

However, this is the first most downloaded application in the “paid” category. It has been developed by coffee professionals.

Together with photographers and deep drink lovers, the application is perfect for coffee beginners.

It's full of recipes, tips and tricks that make the drink taste even tastier and with a barista touch.

Account with information from connoisseurs and coffee lovers.

However, the application is only available for iOS, at a price of $2.99.

¡¡¡Important advice!!!

Finally, download the app and keep lots of interesting facts about the world of coffee.

From now on, if you have never tried a coffee, this is your opportunity.

In other words, download an application and choose the flavor that best suits your tastes.

This way, you will be able to join the club of lovers of the deep L.

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