
First of all, take your lenses, you know the desperate situations you go through.

How to lose the lenses, when they fall into the ground and become streaky, or even when they have just been purchased and become streaky.


But now we have some advice that can help.

Our trick can be used to eliminate scratches from prescription lenses or sun lenses.


We will teach you how to eliminate these spiders from your lenses.

How to eliminate spiders on lenses

Mainly, we will use sodium bicarbonate to eliminate spiders.

Therefore, a cheap product, in which you will spend less money to resolve the situation.

Furthermore, lenses can often be made of several different types of lenses.

However, what everyone has in common is what can be done easily.

However, these clumps can be light or deep and will change the way to clean them.

Now learn how to use bicarbonate to eliminate spiders from lenses

Above all, it is important to know that, depending on the type of spider, it will be eliminated more easily or will not be eliminated.

Furthermore, we know that these spiders can be a nuisance, which is why it is worth testing in terms of depth.

Firstly, try to see if the arañazo was deep or not, if that's not the case, simply use a microfiber cloth to try to eliminate it.

Since it could just be a stain or a slight tear, it's a good idea to use a microfiber cloth.

However, if this doesn't work, here is the recipe with bicabornate

Currently, we know that bicarbonate is widely used to clean various items.

That's it, this is an indispensable ingredient to have at home.


  • Use a medium vase of water, adding the bicabornate and just a jar of added water, when it is converted into a pasty mixture.
  • Next, wipe the mixture over the damaged lens and wipe it gently with a microfiber cloth.
  • It works like a polish for the lens. Leave it for 3 minutes.
  • Now, after waiting for a while, wash it with running water.
  • However, if the spider persists, repeat the process.

In short, if the arañazo is deep, the process may not work. But this advice also makes it very polished.

Fundamental tips for keeping your lenses in good condition.

  • Very important, have a suitable and safe place to store the lenses, to avoid losing them around the house.
  • Avoid leaving the lenses for a long time in places exposed to heat, such as the car seat.
  • Make sure your vases are clean (the baking soda recipe is excellent for this).
  • Avoid carrying the lenses on your head.
  • At least every 6 months, go to the optician to have you cleaned, adjusted and, if necessary, change the screws.
  • Avoid contact between your lenses and cosmetics.
  • Always use your hands to remove the lenses from your face
  • Wash your lenses daily with water and neutral soap.
  • Products that do not have a neutral pH can damage your lenses.
  • The lenses always come in a case, try to keep your lenses always in this box.

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