
Today, almost everything you can imagine can be studied using digital tools.

This is how good it is for anyone who wants to test their knowledge of any foreign language.


For example, you don't have to limit yourself to language courses or specialized schools to take courses.

So, just download an application to learn another language.


The importance of learning another language

Mainly, an interest in certain foreign languages can have different reasons: admiration for a country.

Also the desire to speak with natives, the curiosity about the origin of some accents and expressions.

It can also be when you move to another country to study, work or even travel for tourism.

Next, we have created a list of the main applications to facilitate your learning.


Overall, it is one of the most popular platforms for studying foreign languages.

According to the application information, it uses playful elements to facilitate learning.

This is why, in Duolingo, the user gains points by completing lessons, passing levels.

So, confront them as if you were in a game.

Some activities are timed, which means that exercise is very stimulating.

Asimismo, another attractive point of this app is its personalization. Adaptation of tasks, according to your profile and way of studying.

As new features are unlocked, your performance advances and improves.

DuoCompanion – Duolingo helper

First, review and master the words you learn in Duolingo with the free DuoCompanion.

On the other hand, go over all your words in one place, think them over in sentences, listen and practice.

Next, master words and practice the grammar of writing. Furthermore, use the dictionary function.

English with Lingualeo

In principle, Lingualeo is a friendly and effective platform for language learning.

Furthermore, he has many tools and techniques for long-lasting learning.

However, learn English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, German, Korean, French, Vietnamese and Italian.

Also, Turkish, Ukrainian, Polish, Dutch, Indonesian, Czech and Greek.

Finally, more than 23 million people from all over the world use Lingualeo.

Innovatie Language Learning

Learn 34 languages quickly, fun and easily with Innovative Language.

However, now you can access access to audio and video lessons taught by authentic teachers.

In addition, lecture notes, study tools and much more. He has more than 500 million downloads and 10 years of experience.

Ultimately, learn from a system of proven and demonstrated effectiveness.

However, choose a language and learn at any time and place.

Speakly: learn languages

Speakly is more effective than any other language learning app.

In this sense, the application offers the following functions:

Relevant vocabulary: With more than 4000,000 words, which makes learning faster.

Memorization techniques: Use of spaced repetitions.

Real situations: Practice real situations with your smartphone or computer.

Quick results: in a few months you will have a confident pronunciation.

Benefits of learning a new language

Activates memory and helps develop skills;

Learn new cultures;

Better professional opportunities;

Facilitates travel and exchanges;

Benefits memory;

And it even makes it easier to change patterns.

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