
The technology is fantastic, it allows us to do things we never imagined possible, see now Embarrassing Test Applications.

In this article, let's see some applications that help you know if you're in trouble, do this and more.


It also helps control embarrassment and offers interesting advice for new mothers.

How to know if I'm pregnant

Using this application, you can detect possible symptoms of embarrassment.


How to know if I'm embarrassed, it also provides several very valuable tips for you and helps you identify the possible embarrassment.

Use the application before using the pharmacy test, in case you experience a possible embarrassment, we suggest you use the traditional tests to be safe.

Pregnancy Tracker Pro-pregnancy test

Pregnancy Tracker is a useful application that is recommended for women who are preparing to become mothers.

The application can check your ovulation period according to your menstrual period.

Combine these data and give you a probability of embarrassment on specific days, you must make a record of your menstrual period in the application.

Fertility Test

Through the app it is possible to know your fertile period, recording data that is relevant to the app.

This data can be shared with your doctor in one click.

The application has a free version and a paid version, the paid version offers services as an indication of the cause of infertility, indicates the necessary vaccines among other things.

Digital Pregnancy

The Embarazo Digital app is very complete, it has articles and images that help not only in the embarazo, but also in the baby's first year of life.

Show your baby's development and also the healthy habits you should adopt to take better care of him.

You can also see information about myths and truths, obstetricians, gynecologists and much more.

Pregnancy + | registration app, week by week 3D

The application brings together a series of tips and articles that are available daily about the mother and the baby.

The application has more than 40 million downloads, in addition to being an application for mom, it can also be customized for the whole family.

The application includes a weight record during the emergency, a hospital bag tool to help you prepare during the third trimester, a customizable planner, an emergency calendar, a list of tasks and much more.

Final reflections

Now, are you ready to be the best mother in the world?

Being a mother is a process of constant learning, don't be scared, every day you will learn something new and put it into practice.

Day after day you will become a better mother, and each time you will fall more in love with your daughter.

The important thing is to always be attentive to your baby's needs and seek more information to help you on this trip.

So I wish those who are going through this period all the success and love of the world. Enjoy every moment because they are unique.

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