
Get to know the pregnancy test apps online via cell phone and find out if you are expecting a baby.

Technology today allows us to go much further than we imagined, nowadays it is possible to carry out the most diverse tasks with the help of applications and cell phones.


In this sense, there is now the option of taking an online pregnancy test. In other words, knowing whether you are pregnant or not is another of the benefits that technology brings. Today everything was very easy and practical.

These apps provide, in percentage terms, the probability of having a baby on the way, through some basic questions, such as symptoms, delay, changes in the body, among others.


See 3 apps that will help you in this new phase if you are actually pregnant.

Pregnancy Test – Symptoms

This pregnancy test app is only available for iOS, using it you can find out if you are pregnant.

The App asks a series of questions, the user must respond as honestly as possible, so that the app can make the correct assessment.

Based on your answers, the App provides an approximate percentage that guides whether you may be pregnant or not.

Despite being very accurate, the best option is, after evaluating the application, to look for a professional obstetrician or even validate the information with pharmacy tests.

This application is among the best rated on the App Store, with 4.5 stars.

How to know if I'm pregnant

The application how to know if I'm pregnant is only available for Android and is among the best rated on the Play Store.

Like the previous one, this application also has a 4.5 star rating, with comments from very satisfied people.

Just to give you an example, the app itself does not perform tests, but within it there are a series of materials to identify whether you are pregnant.

It also has material with tips for pregnancy, some information on how to alleviate some pregnancy symptoms.

This way, the app also has some common questions and answers for those going through this period.

Femometer Cycle Tracker

With a 4.9 star rating, the application is available for both Android as for iOS, and both reviews are very good.

In short, with the app the user can track their menstrual cycle and identify their fertile days.

So, for those who want to get pregnant or have control over their body in a more intelligent way, this app helps a lot during this period.

See some functions that the application has:

  • Record the symptoms of the menstrual cycle and calculate your fertile period;
  • Record body temperature and weight;
  • Report medical appointments and prenatal tests;
  • Record contractions to monitor the baby's daily health;
  • Export your data into PDF files and send to the doctor;
  • Keep menstruation, fertility, and lifestyle and health data up to date.

Anyway, these are just some of the most varied features that the application has, you can even view graphs about your fertility.


This moment can be magical and long-awaited for some couples who are waiting for another member of the family.

However, for others it can be a very scary moment, millions of things go through their heads, several plans and thoughts at the same time.

Therefore, apps for taking a pregnancy test can help at this time, removing doubts and preparing you for both cases: positive or negative.